Posts Tagged ‘muscle mass’

body_buildingBefore you get started in bodybuilding, inspired and raring to go you may be, you need to understand how the act of bodybuilding works. Even if you’ve been bodybuilding for years on the other hand you should take the period out to learn this important position of the activity to give you an important competitive edge and advantage. By understanding the fundamentals of the science and principles behind weight training you can then start to learn why you’re doing what you’re doing – and also how to improve it and why some things work better than others. When you begin a diet, you may notice that you lose fat very unevenly on your body. GP Helios contains a blend of clenbuterol hydrochloride and yohimbine hydrochloride, a very potent combination of a beta and alpha antagonist.

The first thing to understand is how muscle grows as well as the structure of the muscles. Muscle development in complex lingo is called ‘hypertrophy’ and it’s actually a response to stress that we have evolved over interval. Basically the muscles are made up of muscle fibre. These are the cells that build up muscle tissue, and they’re different from other cells in a variety of ways. Particularly they are endowed with two nuclei unlike most other cells in the corpse which only have one. This means that unfortunately they can’t replicate themselves via mitosis (splitting in half to create two identical copies) meaning that we’re restricted to only a limited number of fibres in each muscle. These fibres are made from amino acids constructed in much the same way as a telescope with the various layers ‘pedaling’ inside the others to generate movement. Essentially on a microscopic layer the fibres are made up of myofibrils which are made from sarcomeres. Sarcomeres are essentially tubes made of myosin and actin – and it’s the actin ‘pedalling’ along the inside of the myosin that generates movement.

Muscle mass and fat

Posted: June 24, 2013 in fitness

fitness_fatThis subject is very common among newbie in the gym looking to add muscle mass without adding fat as well. You have to know that for reaching a nice muscle relief first of all you have to increase overall body weight. Many athletes try to gain only muscle mass, but almost always it is not effective.

Fatigue is one of the biggest foe of all bodybuilders. Thus more and more athletes are looking for precious advices about what should do to get their body out from a state of constant fatigue. And most important, how to prevent getting into such state.

Firstly, you have to know that for healthy and young bodybuilders the most important cause of fatigue is over training. Inexperienced athletes want to move forward with a big speed, and this throws them back. They do not take enough time to recover and return in gym for more exercises. It happens every day. As a result the immune system suffers; the body begins to be exposed to various infections. Over training violates the hormonal balance, and the level of testosterone decreases. It starts the catabolism (breakdown of muscle tissue) and a sharp decline in immunity. For athlete’s most important fuel is what they eat – food. While training they barn a lot of energy and the body gets it mostly from glycogen. Best of all would be to replenish glycogen consumption of complex carbohydrates. They are digested slowly and keep a stable blood sugar levels. This means that the flow of energy will also be stable.